Welcome to The Walking Tourists
We love traveling – locally, regionally, nationally and internationally (not as often as we would like). We originally started the site to share our experiences with friends and family.
Whether it’s across the world or in our own backyard in Omaha, Nebraska. We are lovers of all things food, travel, and adventure! We visit various cities in search of new experiences and undiscovered treasures. Lisa worked in the travel industry for over 16 years, initially working for a hotel company and later as a travel agent. She has co-created the community Midwest Travel Network which connects travel writers and tourism professionals to promote the Midwest. She has spoken at several conferences including Type-A Parent, TBEX (Travel Bloggers Exchange) and WITS (Women in Travel Summit). Today, her full-time job is as an Online Marketing Specialist for the Home Health Care Company Right at Home. Tim Trudell is the writer, editor, and photographer of the couple, covering fabulous places, people, and events. Today, he has an e-book available titled “The Walking Tourists Guide to Nebraska Attractions beyond Omaha and Lincoln” and published the book, “100 Things to Do in Omaha Before You Die,” released in April 2018. In May, 2019 the focus turned to food as they released their next book, “Unique Eats and Eateries of Omaha.” They have traveled for business, sporting events, extended family trips and, of course, for fun. The reason for the Walking Tourists name is they enjoy taking their time walking to most local destinations to help discover new things along the way.
So, come and explore with us.
Contact us via our social media links or email us at – thewalkingtourists@gmail.com