Escape to Travel Manitoba for next #MWTravel Chat

Looking to visit somewhere new this summer? How about crossing the border to another country? Join us as we explore Winnipeg in the province of Manitoba, Canada. We’ll help you plan a great getaway of summer excitement in Winnipeg. Mark your calendars for our next Midwest Travel Twitter Chat on Wednedsay, June 21, at 11 a.m. CT. #sponsored by Travel Manitoba
If you are a new Twitter Chat participant, here’s a step-by-step guide to follow on how to participate.
WHO: Hosts @walkingtourists @travelwithsara @TravelManitoba @mwtravelblogs
WHAT: Monthly #MWTravel Chat Sponsored by Travel Manitoba
HOW TO JOIN: Follow the hashtag #MWTravel!
Check back here for an update on the prizes that you have the opportunity to win, just by hopping on Twitter and having a conversation with us.
Have at least one tweet in the Twitter Chat from 11 a.m. – Noon (CT)/ Noon – 1 p.m. (ET) on Wednesday, June 21.
See you on Wednesday, June 21, on Twitter! Be sure to use the Hashtag #MWTravel
Thank you Travel Manitoba for partnering with us.